Mr Radcliffe's School Garden



Onions are a very old vegetable. They have been used to add flavour to food for centuries. They are bulbs and we grow them from small bulbs called setts. You can also grow them from seed. Onions produce their seed in a ball at the top of a long stem. Watch out for them.

We put the setts in the soil in March, they grow all summer and then in September we lift them and store them in the shed until they are needed. Last year they lasted until after Christmas.

This year we have six rows of onions.

I've taken some pictures of them growing. Watch how things change as you go down the page. Click on the pictures to see bigger pictures!

Here are the first shoots coming up.

Young onions sprouting

They are getting quite big in mid May.

Onions mid May

This is last year's crop.

Onion crop